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Deleting items present in another array from original array in JavaScript?

I want to delete the numbers in an array from the original array if each element in compared using ES6 standards

const numbers = [1,4,2,3,54];
const output = except(numbers,[1,54]);

Where except is a function that expects an array (original one) and the numbers user wants to remove


  • This is how i achieved this, obviously there are better implementations or simpler ones

    function except(array,excluded) {
        console.log(array.filter((item) => excluded.indexOf(item) === -1));   

    the function except expects the original array and the values user wants to remove, according to MDN filter method creates a new array with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function.

    In our case the provided function is the indexOf(item) , where -1 means if not equal to, so the filter function is filtering values after removing those that are in excluded array. So the output we see is:

    Array(3) [ 4, 2, 3 ]