I have downloaded GMP 6.2.1 from the link supplied from the website to my macos Big Sur, unzipped it. I runned the configure script and
make check
make install
then realized I should have added --enable-cxx to ./configure --enable-cxx
. I did that and rerun make check
Error I've got is
libtool: warning: '-no-install' is ignored for broadwell-apple-darwin20.5.0
libtool: warning: assuming '-no-fast-install' instead
libtool: error: cannot find the library '../libgmp.la' or unhandled argument' ../libgmp.la'
How can I solve this?
I followed the instructions from https://gmplib.org/manual/Installing-GMP correctly the first time but the second time I didn't run make
before make check
. Following the manual exactly solved my problem.