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How do I calculate daily data from minute data in Q without killing KDB?

I've written the following query:

select first(o), max(h), min(l), last(c), sum(v) by sym, from disk

where 'disk' is a parted splayed disk table containing 160m rows.

When I run this query, all RAM gets consumed and then KDB dies.

What am I doing wrong?

Edit My schema is:

c  | t f a
---| -----
t  | p    
o  | f    
h  | f    
l  | f    
c  | f    
v  | i    
sym| s   p


  • There is a helpful function in the .Q namespace, .Q.dpft here which saves tables splayed to a partitioned database, that you can wrap in a lambda and pass each date e.g.

    q) / table might be called alltrades
    q)table:([]date:"d"$100?7000+til 10;sym:100?`AAA`BBB`CCC;price:100?100.0)
    date       sym price
    2019.03.10 BBB 49.81119
    2019.03.08 CCC 8.997612
    2019.03.08 CCC 22.74166
    2019.03.06 BBB 86.544
    q) / below, t might be called trade
    q){t::select from table where date=x; .Q.dpft[`:hdb; x; `sym;`t]}'[exec distinct date from table]
    q) \\
    user@host:~$ cd hdb
    user@host:~/hdb$ ls
    2019.03.02  2019.03.03  2019.03.04  2019.03.05  2019.03.06  2019.03.07  2019.03.08  2019.03.09  2019.03.10  2019.03.11  sym
    user@host:~/hdb$ cd 2019.03.02
    user@host:~/hdb/2019.03.02$ ls
    user@host:~/hdb/2019.03.02$ cd t
    user@host:~/hdb/2019.03.02/t$ ls
    date  price  sym

    where hdb is the directory path you want to save to, sym is the symbol column which will be automatically enumerated and table is the table in memory which you want to partition.