The Task
Allocate X=4..8MB of byte array (on heap), e.g. using ByteBuffer.allocate() such that it will not cause an OutOfMemoryError. It is not allowed to split the array and process it in smaller portions. Note that the allocation happens on heap, this is not a direct ByteBuffer.
The Challenges
: how can I know size of each generation in java heap with jmx Some JVMs dynamically adjust LOAs:
Is there a way in Java to code as follows?
if (<I can reliably allocate an array sized X bytes on heap right now>) {
There’s a fundamental problem with the idea to do
if (<I can reliably allocate an array sized X bytes on heap right now>) { ByteBuffer.allocate(X); }
known as “check-then-act” anti-pattern. Regardless of how the check in the if
’s condition is supposed to work, you need to ensure that it doesn’t change between the check and the subsequent action, i.e. the allocation.
To ensure that the result doesn’t change, you’d not only need to stop all other threads of the same JVM from performing allocations (or concurrent garbage collection from completing) but also prevent all other processes of the same machine from allocating memory, as it is possible that the operating system did not reserve memory for your JVM exclusively but still allows other processing to take it right at this point.
The condition itself has the challenges already named in your question and, as you said yourself, all this fiddling with implementation specific memory regions might be moot when the JVM is capable of reconfiguring them on-the-fly. Since this is usually done as response to the result of a garbage collection, you’d need to perform a full garbage collection first, to determine the resulting situation. Only in this case we were able to be sure that another GC won’t change the situation, if we were able to stop all other threads and processes from doing allocations.
And on some JVMs the only way to reliably trigger a garbage collection, is to perform an actual allocation.
So you need a way to atomically perform the check, followed by an actual allocation that ensures that the memory stays available to you no matter what happens in the environment or an answer that the memory is not available. This mechanism does exist. Just call ByteBuffer.allocate(X)
and if it completes normally, the returned reference ensures that the memory stays available as long as you keep it. Otherwise, the thrown OutOfMemoryError
signals the unavailability of the memory. Since this mechanism exist, there is no reason to provide a second one with the same outcome.