My scenario is that from my app I open the waze wait 25sec, go to home screen, wait 10sec, than the system move back to waze, than I wait 15sec than again going to home page and wait there 10sec,
TimeWatch watch = TimeWatch.start();
double passedTimeInSeconds = 0;
while (passedTimeInSeconds < 26.0) {
passedTimeInSeconds = watch.time(TimeUnit.SECONDS);
System.out.println("the seconds of 1 " + passedTimeInSeconds);
passedTimeInSeconds = 0;
while (passedTimeInSeconds < 11.0) {
passedTimeInSeconds = watch.time(TimeUnit.SECONDS);
System.out.println("the seconds of 2 " + passedTimeInSeconds);
passedTimeInSeconds = 0;
while (passedTimeInSeconds < 16.0) {
passedTimeInSeconds = watch.time(TimeUnit.SECONDS);
System.out.println("the seconds 3 " + passedTimeInSeconds);
my console prints :
the seconds of 1 0.0
the seconds of 1 12.0
the seconds of 1 13.0
the seconds of 1 13.0
the seconds of 1 34.0
the seconds of 2 0.0
the seconds of 2 0.0
the seconds of 2 0.0
the seconds of 2 0.0
the seconds of 2 9.0
the seconds of 2 15.0
the seconds 3 0.0
the seconds 3 2.0
the seconds 3 4.0
the seconds 3 6.0
the seconds 3 9.0
the seconds 3 11.0
the seconds 3 13.0
the seconds 3 34.0
it looks strange that the prints are not at the correct time, also it beyond the time limits , and also does these is the right solution for just wait (for nothing)? Thank you
I believe you are trying to check for something in this 26 seconds times so you are not preferring Thread.sleep()
I tried the below way and it worked for me. Here I am taking system current second and adding 26 to it(our expected time) so the loop will iterate till 26 seconds from current second.
long passedTimeInSeconds = 0, earlierSecond = 0, currentSecond = 0;
long waitTillTime = +26;
while(passedTimeInSeconds < waitTillTime){
passedTimeInSeconds =;
earlierSecond = passedTimeInSeconds%60+1;
currentSecond = 60 + 1;
if(currentSecond > earlierSecond) {
System.out.println("Second: "+earlierSecond);
Second: 37
Second: 38
Second: 41
Second: 43
Second: 44
Second: 45
Second: 46
Second: 47
Second: 49
Second: 51
Second: 52
Second: 54
Second: 58
Second: 59
Second: 1
Due to milliseconds sometimes condition may fail.