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Angular dynamic event name inside ngFor

I am trying to add dynamic event names for ag-grid but in general to a angular component. I tried different types of bindings to make the names for (gridready) value to onGridReady1($event), onGridReady2($event), onGridReady3($event) etc based on the index. +i, {{i}}, (i) etc options did not work. What could be the possible option to get dynamic onGridReady.

<div *ngFor="let item of Collection; let i = index">              
    <ag-grid-angular (gridReady)="['onGridReady+i+($event)']"



  • You should be able to do this:

    <div *ngFor="let item of Collection; let i = index">              
        <ag-grid-angular (gridReady)="onGridReady(i, $event)">

    with the following onGridReady method:

    onGridReady(index: number, params) {
      console.log('got gridReady event for grid #', index);