I have a maven project with multiple databases that we are using flyway to version:
I want to be able to use the mvn flyway:clean
, flyway:migrate
, flyway:info
commands from the command line, however they are not working:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.flywaydb:flyway-maven-plugin:6.0.8:clean (default-cli) on project DataServices: org.flywaydb.core.api.FlywayException: Unable to connect to the database. Configure the url, user and password!
I suspect this is because I am not using the standard flyway properties in the application.properties file I am using for configuration, however that also suggests to me that if I were to use those standard properties, it would only apply to a single database. Is there a way I can set up my maven file to clean each database, or even do them based on the ID of the execution (wave, tracks, osm) so they use those properties?
UPDATE: I was thinking I could essentially repeat the process for cleaning that I am using for migrations by making 3 more execution blocks that work on the clean
phase like so:
...and repeat for the other two. However, now I am getting this error:
[INFO] --- flyway-maven-plugin:7.11.4:clean (wave-clean) @ DataServices ---
[WARNING] Discarding INCOMPLETE dataSource configuration! flyway.url must be set.
I was on the right track with the update posted in the question, but I didn't realize that I wasn't reading in the properties for the clean lifecycle, so I had to add an execution to my properties-maven-plugin
This read the configuration file and got rid of the error, and now mvn clean
cleans all databases as expected!