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PowerShell ForEach-Object and Pipelining - upstream

I have a small powershell script which zips all files and folders in one folder individually:

dir | ForEach-Object { 7z a -tzip -mmt=32 $_.BaseName $_.Name };

Let's suppose I have two folders in my directory:


and nothing else. Currently this code will create "" and "", with the respective folders inside but also contain themselves again (i.e. With two folders, 7z is called four times: once for each folder to create a zip and then once for each new zip-file to update the zip by including the zip in itself. Obviously this is not the desired outcome:

Content of


It seems like the pipeline fetches an update on the new files and forwards them to the ForEach-Object command, meaning "" gets promptly added to "".

I'm confused on why this is happening (and even more disturbing: this was not the case in all runs), since I thought the statement is done from left to right, meaning dirand it's output is done and fixed and is then (potentially parallely) processed by ForEach-Object.

Where am I wrong?

dir | ForEach-Object { Write-Host ("I see:"+$_.Name);7z a -tzip $_.Name $_.Name };

Shows that even the newly created zip files are pipelined into ForEach-Object.


  • So commonly to make dir finish first, put parentheses around it, or the pipeline will go back and forth one object at a time and possibly include new files. This happens with renaming scripts. I think in powershell 7 this is less common.

    (dir) | ForEach-Object { 7z a -tzip -mmt=32 $_.BaseName $_.Name }