I have created a API which fetches the data from the database and gives me this output JSON in the below format
"id": "1",
"grade_level": "ES",
"subject": "ELA",
"subject_abbr": "ELA",
"product_id": 446,
"series_title": "",
"id": "2",
"grade_level": "ES",
"subject": "ELA",
"subject_abbr": "ELA",
"product_id": 446,
"series_title": "",
"id": "3",
"grade_level": "ES",
"subject": "Math",
"subject_abbr": "Math",
"product_id": 235,
"series_title": "",
"id": "4",
"grade_level": "ES",
"subject": "Math",
"subject_abbr": "Math",
"product_id": 235,
"series_title": "",
But I need my output to be in this below format.
"ES ELA": [
"id": "1",
"grade_level": "ES",
"subject": "ELA",
"subject_abbr": "ELA",
"product_id": 446,
"series_title": ""
"id": "2",
"grade_level": "ES",
"subject": "ELA",
"subject_abbr": "ELA",
"product_id": 446,
"series_title": ""
"ES Math": [
"id": "3",
"grade_level": "ES",
"subject": "Math",
"subject_abbr": "Math",
"product_id": 235,
"series_title": ""
"id": "4",
"grade_level": "ES",
"subject": "Math",
"subject_abbr": "Math",
"product_id": 235,
"series_title": ""
And please find serializer below
class DetailSerializer(ModelSerializer):
people = serializers.SerializerMethodField()
curriculum = serializers.SerializerMethodField()
finance = serializers.SerializerMethodField()
class Meta:
model = table_main
fields = '__all__'
def get_people(self, obj):
queryset_list = peopletable.objects.all()
c = queryset_list.filter(id=obj.id)
serializer = ContactSerializer(c, many=True)
return serializer.data
def get_curriculum(self, obj):
queryset_list = curriculumtable.objects.all()
c = queryset_list.filter(id=obj.id)
serializer = CurriculumSerializer(c, many=True)
return serializer.data
def get_finance(self, obj):
queryset_list = finances.objects.all()
c = queryset_list.filter(id=obj.id).order_by('year').reverse()[:1]
serializer = FundingsSerializer(c, many=True)
return serializer.data
In the expected output "ES ELA" and "ES Math" are nothing but grade_level and subject_abbr values. I tried using nested serializers as well but it didnt work. please help me how can I do this.
You can do this in get_curriculum
def get_curriculum(self, obj):
curriculum_map = {}
for c in serializer.data:
key = f"{c['grade_level']} {c['subject_abbr']}"
if key in curriculum_map:
curriculum_map[key] = [c, ]
return curriculum_map
Or override to_representation
class DetailSerializer(ModelSerializer):
def to_representation(self, instance):
representation = super().to_representation(instance)
curriculum_map = {}
for c in representation['curriculum']:
key = f"{c['grade_level']} {c['subject_abbr']}"
if key in curriculum_map:
curriculum_map[key] = [c, ]
representation['curriculum'] = curriculum_map
return representation