I am trying to add this custom element to YouTube.
at first, I wrote in the console:
const script1 = document.createElement("script")
script1.type = "module"
script1.src = "https://unpkg.com/pose-viewer@0.0.4/dist/pose-viewer/pose-viewer.esm.js"
and then:
but I got this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Class constructor a cannot be invoked without 'new' at new g (custom-elements-es5-adapter.js:11) at :1:10
so I compiled to es5:
const script1 = document.createElement("script")
script1.src = "https://unpkg.com/pose-viewer@0.1.2/dist/pose-viewer/pose-viewer.js"
but I got this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Illegal invocation at n.f (pose-viewer.js:15) at Function.getOwnPropertyDescriptor (pose-viewer.js:15) at pose-viewer.js:44 at pose-viewer.js:58 at pose-viewer.js:130
What I am doing wrong? Why is this not working specifically on YouTube, but does work everywhere else?
If you look at the source of the https://unpkg.com/pose-viewer@0.1.2/dist/pose-viewer/pose-viewer.js you'll see that is transpiled to ES5, however the custom elements should be defined in ES6, ex:
class MyElement extends HtmlElement {}
more info about the adapter here :
You just need to follow the error message and add this to your html before you run your script:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs@2.5.0/custom-elements-es5-adapter.js"></script>
If you are using the esm script, you don't need the adapter as the script is using es6 syntax.
you can load the script as a module:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<title>pose viewer example</title>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/pose-viewer@latest/dist/pose-viewer/pose-viewer.esm.js" type="module"></script>
Or if you want to import it from another js script you just need to add an import statement
Where the html might look like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<title>pose viewer example</title>
<script src="./index.js" type="module"></script>
And the script like this :
import "https://unpkg.com/pose-viewer@latest/dist/pose-viewer/pose-viewer.esm.js";
const x = document.createElement('pose-viewer');
To load it into the youtube website via the console you need to use the new operator, using the esm module the loading part looks like this
const script = document.createElement('script')
script.setAttribute('type', 'module');
script.setAttribute('src', 'https://unpkg.com/pose-viewer@0.0.4/dist/pose-viewer/pose-viewer.esm.js' );
Then get the class from the customElement registry and invoke it with new
const PoseViewer = customElements.get('pose-viewer');
new PoseViewer();