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How to put line breaks in the labels of the table output by gt_regression() and output it by LaTeX?

According to the documentation of the gtsummay package, you can use <br> in add_significance_stars() to break the labels of the table showing the results of the regression model in HTML, but it does not work for LaTeX. I have tried other line break methods such as \n, but it still does not work. How can I make line breaks in LaTeX?

Here is an example in HTML.

df <- 
mtcars %>% 
  lm(mpg ~ ., data = .)

df %>%
  tbl_regression() %>%
    hide_se = TRUE,
    pattern = "{estimate}{stars}<br>({std.error})"
  ) %>%
  modify_header(estimate ~ "OLS<br>result")

And here is a LaTeX example.

df %>% 
  tbl_regression() %>% 
    hide_se = TRUE,
    pattern = "{estimate}{stars}<br>({std.error})"
  ) %>%
  modify_header(estimate ~ "OLS<br>result") %>% 
    format = "latex",
    booktabs = TRUE

I created a table based on the answer, but I found that this method causes the layout to be broken when using tbl_merge().

I will present the problem code again.

# make nested dataframe
nest_df <- 
mtcars %>% 
  tibble() %>% 

# make function
mod_fun <- function(df){lm(mpg ~ ., data = df)}

# map function
nest_df <-
  nest_df %>% 
  mutate(model = map(data, mod_fun))

# make table
nest_df <- 
  nest_df %>%
    tbl = map(
      .x = model,
      ~ tbl_regression(
      ) %>% 
          hide_se = TRUE,
          pattern = "{estimate}{stars}\\\\&({std.error})"
        ) %>%
        modify_header(estimate ~ "OLS\\\\&result")

# merge table
nest_df_m <- 
    tbls = nest_df$tbl,
    tab_spanner = c("type1", "type2")

# output merged table
nest_df_m  %>%
    format = "latex",
    booktabs = TRUE,
    escape = FALSE
    ) %>% 
  kable_styling(position = "center")


  • Maybe this fits your need. You could a line break by

    1. adding \\\\ (which gives an \\ in the latex code),
    2. adding an & to put the std.error in the same column as the estimate,
    3. setting escape=FALSE in as_kable_extra.
        df %>% 
          tbl_regression() %>% 
            hide_se = TRUE,
            pattern = "{estimate}{stars}\\\\&({std.error})"
          ) %>%
          modify_header(estimate ~ "OLS\\\\&result") %>% 
            format = "latex",
            booktabs = TRUE,
            escape = FALSE

    enter image description here