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Joda Time Zone pattern changing in environments

I am confused about why my date time formatting output for some time zones is changing on my environments.

I have a war, I run this war as a standalone war on Jetty (using Java 1.5), this code

System.out.println(new DateTime().withZone(DateTimeZone.forID("Asia/Kolkata")).toString("zzz"));

Produces Output: IST

When I put this war into an ear, and run on WebSphere 6.1,

Output: '+5:30'

I would desire that "IST" be shown in both places. I suspecting that it has something to do with the class loading, and how Joda finds the Time Zone definitions. If I could just be pointed at some documentation, I would be so grateful.

I am using Joda 1.6.2


  • Some documentation on this can be found at - you should make sure, that existing jars in your application server do not override these timezone files.

    In 2011, you could download, and search for the terms 'Kolkata' and 'IST' in the unpacked directory. In 2017, you'd find the data via IANA ( and — e.g.

    Then look up the existing jars in your application server, and see where you find the same filenames in them. I personally like to use my own little little '' bash script, which finds a file by filename in all jars/wars/ears in the current directory (not subdirectories!):

        found=`jar tf "$f"|grep "$searchterm"`
        if [ "$found" ]; then
            echo "-----------------"
            echo "$f"
            echo "-----------------"
            echo "$found"
    ls *.?ar|while read f; do handleFile $f; done

    Then again, there are probably better search scripts/tools out there...