I am writing an interceptor for the service methods in my spring boot application like below:
public class MyAspect {
public MyAspect() {
public void applicationServicePointcut() {
@Before(value = ("applicationServicePointcut()"))
public void process(JoinPoint joinPoint) throws Exception {
One such service is as follows:
public class AService {
public ADTO create(ADTO aDTO) {
public ADTO update(ADTO aDTO) {
Another service can be as follows:
public class BService {
public BDTO create(BDTO bDTO) {
public BDTO update(BDTO bDTO) {
public void doSomething(String a, int b) {
Here my goal is to extract the value of a particular field from the associated method arguments. In order to do this, I can write a single function in aspect, where I can have multiple if-else blocks as follows:
String extractMyField(JoinPoint joinPoint) {
//extract the arguments of the associated method from joinpoint
//depending on the type of arguments, extract the value of myfield as follows
if(arg instance of ADTO) {
} else if (arg instance of BDTO) {
It can be seen in the above code snippet, there can be the following cases:
Also, I cannot change the DTO objects as well.
I am wondering if there can be a better approach to do this. Basically, I am looking for a way to make it easily extensible.
Could anyone please help here? Thanks.
As of now, in order to process the method arguments, first I have been collecting the method arguments as follows:
Map<String, Object> getMethodArguments(JoinPoint joinPoint) {
MethodSignature methodSignature = (MethodSignature) joinPoint.getSignature();
Map<String, Object> argumentNameValueMap = new HashMap<>();
if (methodSignature.getParameterNames() == null) {
return argumentNameValueMap;
for (int i = 0; i < methodSignature.getParameterNames().length; i++) {
String argumentName = methodSignature.getParameterNames()[i];
Object argumentValue = joinPoint.getArgs()[i];
Class argumentType = joinPoint.getArgs()[i].getClass();
//check if i th parameter is json serializable
if (Objects.isNull(methodSignature.getParameterTypes()) ||
isJsonSerializable(methodSignature.getParameterTypes()[i])) {
argumentNameValueMap.put(argumentName, mapper.convertValue(argumentValue, Map.class));
return argumentNameValueMap;
private boolean isJsonSerializable(Class parameterType) {
!Objects.isNull(parameterType) &&
!parameterType.getName().endsWith("HttpServletRequest") &&
!parameterType.getName().endsWith("HttpServletResponse") &&
Actually, the catch here is that the field I am looking for is named differently across DTOs. For example, in ADTO the field is named as id
whereas, in BDTO, it's named as aId
Ok, then let me suggest the following:
I assume, you can't change the DTO objects I assume, sometimes your methods won't even have DTO parameters, but you have a logic to "find" them if they exist
If you know what are the types of the intercepted DTOs are, you can create the interface:
interface DTOHandler {
Class<?> getDTOClass();
Object getMyField(Object dtoObject);
Implement this interface for each DTO
For example, if you plan to intercept 2 different types of DTOs:
class ADTO {
Integer myField;
class BDTO {
String myField;
Then implement:
class DTOAHandler implements DTOHandler {
Class<?> getDtoClass() {return ADTO.class;}
Object getMyField(Object obj) {return ((ADTO)obj).getMyField();}
// and do a similar implementation same for DTOB
Now define all these handlers as spring beans and inject a list of them into the aspect. Spring boot will inject them all as a list, the order doesn't matter
In the constructor of the aspect create a map of Class<?> -> DTOHandler. Iterate throw the list and create a key of the map as a call of 'getDTOClass' and the value as a handler itself:
public class MyAspect {
private Map<Class<?>, DTOHandler> handlersRegistry;
public MyAspect(List<DTOHandler> allHandlers) {
handlersRegistry = new HashMap<>();
for(DTOHandler h : allHandlers) {
handlersRegistry.put(h.getDTOClass(), h);
With this setup the extractMyField
will look as follows:
public void extractMyField(JoinPoint jp) {
Object myDTO = findDTOParameter(jp);
DTOHandler handler = this.handlersRegistry.get(myDTO.getClass());
if(handler != null) {
// there is an actual handler for this type of DTOs
Object myField = handler.getMyField(myDTO);
else {
// the aspect can't handle the DTO of the specified type
Update (based on Op's comment):
In order to actually find a parameter that has a 'myfield' value, you've used a pretty complicated logic (in the EDIT section of the question).
Instead you can create an annotation (runtime retention) that can be applied to the parameters.
public @interface @DTO {
Then you can annotate with this annotation the parameters in the service to "help" your aspect to understand which of the parameters are actually DTOs:
public class AService {
public ADTO create(@DTO ADTO aDTO) {
public ADTO update(@DTO ADTO aDTO) {
Then, the resolution logic in the aspect will become something like:
// pseudocode
foreach p in 'parameters' {
if(isAnnotatedWith(p, DTO.class)) {
// it matches