I have a table in a single sheet excel where the fields are date and consecutive Columbus to enter numbers for currency of different denominations and a total column at the end.
The table gets appended by a row every day.
I want to multiply the column headers (denominations e.g. 2000, 500, 200 etc.) with the denomination number for the latest day. Means the header row × the last row of the table.
I can't achieve this using last blank row, since I have different other data below the Table.
I'm also looking for a solution that doesn't involve VBA.
So, can anyone please help me.
First Method: Without Table (Control+T) Range Formula in B1 is
There are 3 methods to get the last row/value
First - Cell F1 formula =MATCH(9.9999E+307,Sheet2!A1:A19)
returns last nonblank cell index in the given column range.
Second - Cell F2 Formula
gives last nonblank cell value in the given column range
Third - Cell F3 Formula which is useful in this case as there is data below the referred table.
returns the nonblank cell value before the first blank cell
Second Method: With Table (Control+T) Range Formula in B1 is
In this method, the table range get automatically updated in when a new record is added to the table.
So in both the above cases, if a record is added below (adjacent to) the last used cell, the sumproduct formula will refer to that record.