my code in react application
I have I class:
class SampleModuleController{
return tableSheet;
console.log("retrivePageData calledd");
let pageData= asyncAwaitService.findTablePageTestData(pageNumber,pageLength);
return pageData;
export let sampleModuleController = new SampleModuleController();
SampleModuleController class lazy loaded and its getSampleModuleSheet method can use successfully.
in jsx:
<DataTable getPageData={import('../controllers/sampleModuleContrller').then(({sampleModuleController}) => {return sampleModuleController.retrivePageData;})} />
in js file:
async newPageManager(){
let pageData = await props.getPageData(1,34);
out put
so how can I call the fuction inside the promise
in your jsx, it's apparent that the promise returns a method delegate.
So, this.props.getPageData
when resolved with await
will result in a method delegate that is itself to be invoked on.
we'll modify your snippet as followed;
async newPageManager(){
let getPageData = await props.getPageData;
let pageData = getPageData(1,34);
additionally, since props.getPageData
is returning a promise, it is thenable.
so, you could pass the result of that promise into a then
function scope -- something like the following
async newPageManager(){
let getFirstPagePromise = props.getPageData.then((fn) => fn.bind(this, 1, 32));
let getFirstPage = await getFirstPagePromise;
let pageData = getFirstPage();