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How to let Excel pick up several numbers that give a sum wanted?

I'm not sure how I can phrase the question better but please see the image attached below. Basically, in the example, I have a number as the goal, 10 (on the left). Then, I have a number list on the right with a bunch of numbers that I can choose from. I'm looking for a way to select a certain number of numbers from the number list to make the sum of those numbers equal to the goal number. In the example below, the correct answer is a choice of "5", "3", and "2".

Any excel functions, tools in the menu bar, or VBA codes are welcome.

enter image description here


  • I have managed to make a VBA solution for this. I have tested with multiple different goals/targets & different range of numbers to sum and worked every time. Can't guarantee there isn't a problem it won't work around though.

    Here it is:

    Note - you should be able to now have multiple of the same number. This will only return the first solution it finds. It doesn't find EVERY solution.

    Sub SumSolver()
    Dim rng, Goal As Double, ws As Worksheet, i As Long, j As Long, Answer As Double, k As Long
    Dim lRow As Long, Answerlist As String, LastAdded As Long, AnswerListPos As String
    Dim c As Range, RngToSplit As String, AnswerArray, AnswerItem
    Set ws = Sheets("Sheet1") 'Change Sheet1 to your sheet name
    lRow = ws.Range("B" & ws.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 'Change to needed column
    ws.Range("C2:C" & lRow).ClearContents 'Clear output range if needed
    For Each c In ws.Range("B2:B" & lRow) 'This loop populates the list range into a string
        If c.Value <> "" Or Not IsNumeric(c.Value) Then 'Checking for empty or non-numeric values
            If RngToSplit = "" Then
                RngToSplit = c.Value
                RngToSplit = RngToSplit & "," & c.Value
            End If
        End If
    rng = Split(RngToSplit, ",") 'Split the new list string into an array
    If Not IsNumeric(ws.Range("A2").Value) Then 'Checks target value is actually a number
        MsgBox "The target value is not a valid number. Please correct this before trying again.", vbExclamation, "Sum Solver"
        Exit Sub
        Goal = ws.Range("A2").Value 'Value of the goal/target
    End If
    For i = 0 To UBound(rng) ' 0 = start of array, Ubound = End of array
        If rng(i) = Goal Then
            ws.Range("C2") = rng(i)
            Answerlist = rng(i)
            GoTo SubExit
        ElseIf rng(i) < Goal Then
            Answer = rng(i)
            Answerlist = rng(i)
            AnswerListPos = i
            For j = i + 1 To UBound(rng)
                If Answer + rng(j) = Goal Then
                    Answerlist = Answerlist & "," & rng(j)
                    AnswerListPos = AnswerListPos & "," & j
                    GoTo SubExit
                ElseIf Answer + rng(j) < Goal Then
                    Answer = Answer + rng(j)
                    LastAdded = j
                    If Answerlist = "" Then
                        Answerlist = rng(j)
                        AnswerListPos = j
                        Answerlist = Answerlist & "," & rng(j)
                        AnswerListPos = AnswerListPos & "," & j
                    End If
                End If
                If j = UBound(rng) Then
                    If LastAdded = UBound(rng) Then
                        Answerlist = Left(Answerlist, InStrRev(Answerlist, ",") - 1)
                        AnswerListPos = Left(AnswerListPos, InStrRev(AnswerListPos, ",") - 1)
                        Answer = Answer - rng(j)
                        LastAdded = Val(Mid(AnswerListPos, InStrRev(AnswerListPos, ",") + 1))
                    End If
                    If LastAdded > 0 Then Answer = Answer - rng(LastAdded)
                    If InStr(Answerlist, ",") = 0 Then Exit For
                    j = Val(Mid(AnswerListPos, InStrRev(AnswerListPos, ",") + 1))
                    Answerlist = Left(Answerlist, InStrRev(Answerlist, ",") - 1)
                    AnswerListPos = Left(AnswerListPos, InStrRev(AnswerListPos, ",") - 1)
                End If
            Next j
        End If
        Answerlist = ""
    Next i
    If Answerlist <> "" Then
        i = 2
        AnswerArray = Split(Answerlist, ",") 'Split the result into an array
        For Each AnswerItem In AnswerArray
            ws.Range("C" & i) = AnswerItem 'Output the results into the sheet
            i = i + 1
        MsgBox "No possible combination found for a target value of " & Goal & ".", vbExclamation, "Sum Solver"
    End If
    End Sub

    EDIT: Just updated to account for if there are any blank rows in the list range as well as handle if a value is non-numeric. Actually made it half a second faster (13s) for a 12 item list of 1000 iterations.

    You will see the rows I've made comments on are the ones you need to change. Pretty much just what columns it is working on and the starting cell It works looking at the last row but if you don't need it then just replace for example "B2:B" & lRow with B2:B5 etc.

    I've also incorporated it into a function. Used as:

    =SumSolver(Target value, Range of sum values)

    It returns the results in the same cell separated by a comma. This can be changed to another method easily if needed though.

    Function SumSolver(Goal As Double, ListRange As Range)
    Dim i As Long, j As Long, Answer As Double, k As Long, rng As Variant
    Dim Answerlist As String, LastAdded As Long, AnswerListPos As String
    rng = Application.Transpose(ListRange)
    For i = 1 To UBound(rng)
        If rng(i) = Goal Then
            Answerlist = rng(i)
            GoTo SubExit
        ElseIf rng(i) < Goal Then
            Answer = rng(i)
            Answerlist = rng(i)
            AnswerListPos = i
            For j = i + 1 To UBound(rng)
                If Answer + rng(j) = Goal Then
                    Answerlist = Answerlist & "," & rng(j)
                    AnswerListPos = AnswerListPos & "," & j
                    GoTo SubExit
                ElseIf Answer + rng(j) < Goal Then
                    Answer = Answer + rng(j)
                    LastAdded = j
                    If Answerlist = "" Then
                        Answerlist = rng(j)
                        AnswerListPos = j
                        Answerlist = Answerlist & "," & rng(j)
                        AnswerListPos = AnswerListPos & "," & j
                    End If
                End If
                If j = UBound(rng) Then
                    If LastAdded = UBound(rng) Then
                        Answerlist = Left(Answerlist, InStrRev(Answerlist, ",") - 1)
                        AnswerListPos = Left(AnswerListPos, InStrRev(AnswerListPos, ",") - 1)
                        Answer = Answer - rng(j)
                        LastAdded = Val(Mid(AnswerListPos, InStrRev(AnswerListPos, ",") + 1))
                    End If
                    If LastAdded > 0 Then Answer = Answer - rng(LastAdded)
                    If InStr(Answerlist, ",") = 0 Then Exit For
                    j = Val(Mid(AnswerListPos, InStrRev(AnswerListPos, ",") + 1))
                    Answerlist = Left(Answerlist, InStrRev(Answerlist, ",") - 1)
                    AnswerListPos = Left(AnswerListPos, InStrRev(AnswerListPos, ",") - 1)
                End If
            Next j
        End If
        Answerlist = ""
    Next i
    If Answerlist <> "" Then
        SumSolver = Answerlist
        SumSolver = "N/A"
    End If
    End Function


    Sum Solver Script in action

    I decided to do an update of my speed test. This time comparing the updated code against my original, and was surprised to see the difference. I did runs of 1000 iterations where the solver could not find a combination. I did this with screen updating on. For a list of 8 there is a max of 255 combinations, for a list of 12, there is a max of 4095 combinations (doubles with each item added). For a list of 12, that comes to 4,095,000 calculations. Updated code did that in an average of 13.6 seconds. Obviously this is on my machine, which will have different results to yours (but the ratios should still be about the same). Sum Solver speed test