Given a variadic class template, how can I call a variadic function template with the template parameters of that class?
template <typename T0,typename... Ts>
void test_variadic()
if constexpr (sizeof...(Ts) > 0)
template<typename T> // T is variadic class template
void f0()
// test_variadic<T...>(); // Call 'test_variadic' with underlying template parameter types of T? (In this example case `test_variadic<float,int>`)
template<typename ...T>
class VariadicClass
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
The implementation for f0
is what I'm missing, I want it to call test_variadic<float,int>
by determining the template parameter list from T
automatically and using it for the call to test_variadic
. How do I do that?
I found a solution that works with tuples:
#include <tuple>
template <typename T0,typename... Ts>
void test_variadic()
if constexpr (sizeof...(Ts) > 0)
int main(int argc, char **argv)
std::tuple<int, float> tp;
std::apply([](auto &&... args) { test_variadic<decltype(args)...>(); }, tp);
return 0;
But in my case I don't have any actual arguments or objects, just types, so the lambda solution wouldn't work.
Solutions with modern C++ are preferred.
You can declare a class template with partial specialization as:
// primary template (might implement it with default behavior)
template <typename T> struct test_variadic_impl;
// partial specialization for variadic class template
template <template <typename...> typename C, typename... Args>
struct test_variadic_impl<C<Args...>> {
static auto call() {
return test_variadic<Args...>();
Then use it like:
template<typename T> // T is variadic class template
void f0()