Search code examples

initialization Materialize-autocomplete dataset using api call with ajax and jquery

Good morning all, I am using materialize.css in a PHP app

I will want to initialize the auto-complete data with an API call.

The .autocomplete () initializes the data with a JSON array " data ":,

which I get with the .ajax ({..., url: '/search.php', ... datas}).

but I can't inject the datas into the.autocomplete (),

how can I do it?

Here is the source code:

  <form action="">
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col s12">
        <div class="row">
          <div class="input-field col s6">
            <i class="material-icons prefix">title</i>
            <input id="searchOnAPI" name="name" type="text" class="autocomplete" value="{{ }} ">
            <label for="searchOnAPI">{{ siteData('admin.titre') }}</label>
            <ul id="autocomplete-content" class="autocomplete-content"><li><a></a></li></ul>

  <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
    $(document).ready(function () {
      $('#searchOnAPI').keyup(function () {
        let search = $(this).val();

        if (search !== "") {
            type: 'GET',
            url: '/search.php',
            data: 'search=' + encodeURIComponent(search),
            success: function (datas) {
            if (datas !== "") {
            } else {
            document.getElementById('autocomplete-content').innerHTML = '<ul class="autocomplete-content dropdown-content"><li><a class="black-text">{{ siteData('') }}</a></li></ul>';

I think the problem comes from here:

The variable datas ...

but I don't understand the error anymore.

success: function (datas) {
   if (datas !== "") {

the code of the search page: and call API


if (isset($_GET['search']) && !empty($_GET['search'])) {
    $search = trim(htmlspecialchars($_GET['search']));

    $curl = curl_init();
        curl_setopt_array($curl, [
            CURLOPT_URL             => "". API_KEY ."&language=fr-FR&query=$search",
            CURLOPT_CAINFO          => dirname(__DIR__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'lib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ."cert.tmdb.cer", //
            CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER  => true,
            CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION  => true,
            CURLOPT_ENCODING        => "",
            CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS       => 10,
            CURLOPT_TIMEOUT         => 10,

        $response = curl_exec($curl);
        $err = curl_error($curl);

        $response = json_decode($response, true);
        $err = json_decode($err, true);
        $datas = [];

        if (!is_null($err) || $response === null || !isset($response['results'])) {
            $datas[] = ['No Data' => null];
        } else {

            $response = $response['results'];
            for ($i = 0; $i <= 5; $i++) {
                if (isset($response[$i]['title'])) {
                    $datas[] = $response[$i]['title'] ;
                } elseif (isset($response[$i]['name'])) {
                    $datas[] = $response[$i]['name'];
            echo json_encode(array_fill_keys(['data'], array_fill_keys($datas, null)), true);


and here is the api return in json of the search page

  "data": {
    "O Amor Acontece": null,
    "Quem Quer Namorar Com o Agricultor?": null,
    "O'": null,
    "O Clone": null,
    "Hawaï police d'État": null,
    "O Matador": null

Any advice is welcome! .EDD


  • I found the error:

        type: 'GET',
        url: '/search.php',
        data: 'search=' + encodeURIComponent(search),
        success: function (datas) {

    I did not set the dataType ...


    like this

        type: 'GET',
        url: '/search.php',
        data: 'search=' + encodeURIComponent(search),
        success: function (datas) {

    But with everything works.

    find on [Jquery autocomplete _renderItem is not working][1]