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OpenLayers: how to change format of MousePosition coordinates to HDMS?

I'm using the MousePosition control to show the mouse coordinates as it moves but I'm showing an output similar to this: '7.85, 47.98' but I wanted an output like this: '47° 58′ 60.0″ N 7° 50′ 60.0 " E'.


var mouseposition = new ol.control.MousePosition({
            projection: 'EPSG:4326',
            coordinateFormat: ol.coordinate.createStringXY(2),
            undefinedHTML: '',
            className: 'ol-mouse-position ol-control'

I've tried to use toStringHDMS() but it wasn't in the format I wanted, I don't know if I used it wrong

var mouseposition = new ol.control.MousePosition({
            projection: 'EPSG:4326',
            coordinateFormat: ol.coordinate.toStringHDMS(),
            undefinedHTML: '',
            className: 'ol-mouse-position ol-control'

n this example the output was: -46.20849609375,-23.595295498937958


  • Use

    coordinateFormat: ol.coordinate.toStringHDMS,

    without ().

    createStringXY() is a function which returns a CoordinateFormat function

    toStringHDMS is already a CoordinateFormat function