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Downloading google play console statistics via gsutils & google cloud storage

I am trying to pull data from the google playstore console through the cli.

The documentation that I am using as a reference is this.

I have retrieved my cloud storage URI from the playstore console and used the command:

gsutil cp -r gs://pubsite_prod_xxxxxx/stats/installs/* .

I get an error message like this:

zsh: no matches found: gs://pubsite_prod_xxxxx/stats/installs/*

I am trying to understand what the issue could be. Any pointers would be of great help.

Other details:

  1. Though my playstore account is two or three years old, I just created my google cloud platform account. (So, could the issue be that there are no reports written onto my bucket, though there is a URI mentioned on the play console?)

  2. I am unable to see this bucket through the google cloud platform console. The list of buckets are empty. (I am however not sure whether I am looking at the right place). Attaching a screenshot of the project on the console that I am looking into. screenshot - empty list of buckets


  • This is an issue related to ZSH You may could change your shell, via sudo chsh --shell=/bin/bash $USER will change the shell field in /etc/passwd

    Or you may use ' around a special character to escape the special character in order to let the shell recognize it. like:

    gsutil cp -r 'gs://pubsite_prod_xxxxxx/stats/installs/*' .