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Google Cloud Compute Engine refusing connections despite firewall rule

I'm trying to set up a VNC server on my GCE instance running debian. Normally I connect over SSH, but I need a graphical interface for some other use cases. I have a very basic firewall rule that looks like this enter image description here

But when I use netcat to check the external IP on port 5901 I get that the connection is refused. Checking a port like 22 works, but none of the other ones let me connect. Am I missing a step here?


  • The most common problem related to your issue is that the application / server is configured for localhost or, which means accept connections only on the local machine. You need to bind with which means listen on all available networks.

    When connecting from the public network (outside your system) Connection refused means that nobody is listening. This is not a firewall rule issue as the error message indicates that the connection is not being blocked (no response) versus refused (permission denied).

    Connect to your instance via SSH. Then run this command: netstat -a. Look for a line that says LISTENING on your port number. Then look at the IP address. If it shows, this is your problem. If you do not see your port number in LISTENING state, then you do not have a process listening on that port.