I have a project that uses arrow and parquet. I downloaded and built the required libraries, and then successfully built my library. Now I want to migrate it to use conan, to simplify the build process.
The problem I'm facing is that most if not all the prebuilt binaries of arrow don't include parquet, at least for Windows.
This probably means that conan would download the recipe and build it. However, once I add parquet to my conanfile.txt, I get errors
Here's my conanfile.txt
These are the errors I get when I use conan install
>conan install ..
compiler=Visual Studio
WARN: thrift/0.13.0: requirement boost/1.76.0 overridden by arrow/2.0.0 to boost/1.74.0
WARN: libevent/2.1.12: requirement openssl/1.1.1j overridden by thrift/0.13.0 to openssl/1.1.1k
ERROR: Permission denied for user: 'None'. [Remote: bincrafters:]
From the error, I'm assuming that the recipe has some version conflicts and can't continue, and that I need to do something like Using override, but I don't know how to effectively do this.
Other answers, including one in a very similar question assume that updating conan to the latest would fix this, but I already updated to version 1.38, to no avail.
Any hints?
First thing I found is that my remotes.json is outdated, pointing to bincrafters. This may indeed be the thing that is breaking my build. I'll post what I found later
First thing I found is that my remotes.json is outdated, pointing to bincrafters. This may indeed be the thing that is breaking my build. I'll post what I found later
Yes, you are right. This information and action was shared here: https://bincrafters.github.io/2020/04/19/infrastructure-changes-and-required-actions/
From the error, I'm assuming that the recipe has some version conflicts and can't continue, and that I need to do something like Using override, but I don't know how to effectively do this.
As all recipes are updated manually, so version conflicts occur from time to time. The correct fix for your problem is documented here: https://docs.conan.io/en/latest/faq/troubleshooting.html#error-incompatible-requirements-obtained-in-different-evaluations-of-requirements
Besides that, you can open an issue requesting for version update here: https://github.com/conan-io/conan-center-index/issues