I am trying to learn Spring Roo following the tutorial Getting Started with Spring Roo.
However, when AspectJ files were created Eclipse is now complaining with compile errors.
The only commands for me to get those errors were:
mkdir wedding
cd wedding
project --topLevelPackage com.wedding
import the Maven project into Eclipse
persistence setup --provider HIBERNATE --database HYPERSONIC_PERSISTENT
entity --class ~.domain.Rsvp
Now I've an error list with:
declare cannot be resolved to a type
entityManager cannot be resolved or is not a field
id cannot be resolved or is not a field
The method entityManager() is undefined for the type Rsvp_Roo_Entity
version cannot be resolved or is not a field
Anyone also experienced this issue and knows how to solve?
Have you STS and WTP installed in your Eclipse?
Did you tried the following in the Roo console:
perform eclipse