I'm trying to create AWS Cloudwatch alarm for systemCpuUtilizaiton
of each RabbitMQ broker
nodes via Terraform. To create the AWS Cloudwatch alarm, I need to provide dimensions (node-name and broker) as mentioned in AWS docs.
Hence, I'm looking to fetch the rabbitMQ broker node-names from AWS (via CLI, or API or Terraform)
Please note: I'm able to see the matrices of each broker nodes in AWS Cloudwatch console, but not from API, SDK or CLI.
I went through the below links but didn't get anything handy https://awscli.amazonaws.com/v2/documentation/api/latest/reference/mq/index.html#cli-aws-mq https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/mq_broker
Please let me know in case I'm missing something.
I have raised the above-mentioned problem to AWS support, below is the solution:
First of all response from AWS team, AmazonMQ-RabbitMQ broker nodes are managed internally by AWS and currently its not exposed via API or SDK.
As a result there is NO way to fetch the Rabbit MQ broker node name via API or SDK. Hence its not possible to directly create cloudwatch alarm on Rabbit MQ broker node's systemCpuUtilizaiton
, as node name are required dimensions for creating the alert.
There are two alternative solutions
I have used the second method, below values file to fetch the matrices we are interested
namespace: monitoring
enabled: true
alb: false
rds: false
# ... based on requirement
ec2: false # based on requirement
additionalMetrics: |-
# below configuration will fetch the martics,
# containing Rabbit MQ broker node names
- aws_namespace: AWS/AmazonMQ
aws_metric_name: SystemCpuUtilization
aws_dimensions: [Broker, Node]
aws_statistics: [Average]
If everything is configured correctly, you should be able to aws_amazonmq_system_cpu_utilization_average
martic in prometheus as shown below. Now use Prometheus Alert manager to create alerts on top of this matrics.