this code I call the collection but I want call all data from the collection
export class RepairService {
Reqref: AngularFirestoreCollection < ServiceRepair > ;
constructor(private db: AngularFirestore, public ngFireAuth: AngularFireAuth) {
this.Reqref = db.collection('iygR4pP0ZDXxBlFmzUMxAeqKtkt1', ref => ref.where("Title", "==", "Service & Repair"));
To load all data from the collection, remove the query from the collection
this.Reqref = db.collection('iygR4pP0ZDXxBlFmzUMxAeqKtkt1');
this.Reqref = db.collection('iygR4pP0ZDXxBlFmzUMxAeqKtkt1', ref => ref);