This is my schema
type Mutation{
createUser(username: String!, email: String!, tempPassword: String!): ComplexCallResult
I am using AmazoneWebServicesClient to execute queries. For query which is already defined in the schema, I gave input in the post request body as below
private String queryAllUsers = "{\n" +
" \"query\": \"{listUsers {name}}\",\n" +
" \"variables\": null,\n" +
" \"operationsName\": null\n" +
Now I want to run mutation similar to above. My input query was
{ "mutation":"{createUser(email: "[email protected]", tempPassword: "LPwd!", username: "testUser1") { Exception Success}}" }
In Java code:
private String testCreateUserInputQuery= "{\n" +
" \"mutation\":\"{createUser(email: \\\"[email protected]\\\", tempPassword: \\\"LPwd!\\\", username: \\\"testUser10\\\") { Exception Success}}\"\n" +
But this is not working. Any leads please
Edit: I am updating what I have done here:
This is my latest try which is not working.
private String testCreateUserInputQuery= "{\n" +
" \"query\":\"{mutation($username:String!,$email:String!,$tempPassword:String!) {createUser(username:$username,email:$email,tempPassword:$tempPassword) { Exception Success }}}\", \"variables\":{\"input\":{\"username\":\"testUser11\",\"email\":\"[email protected]\",\"tempPassword\":\"L123!\" } }\n" +
" }";
Tried like this too:
private String testCreateUserInputQuery= "{\n" +
" \"query\":\"{mutation createUser($username:String!,$email:String!,$tempPassword:String!) {createUser(username:$username,email:$email,tempPassword:$tempPassword) { Exception Success }}}\", \"variables\":{\"input\":{\"username\":\"testUser11\",\"email\":\"[email protected]\",\"tempPassword\":\"L123!\" } }\n" +
" }";
I am getting exception as below
{"errors":[{"message":"Unable to parse GraphQL query.","errorType":"MalformedHttpRequestException"}]} (Service: appsync; Status Code: 400; Error Code: MalformedHttpRequestException; Request ID: af42c6eb-dd5f-401e-9cac-530e9c62df71; Proxy: null)
Not able to find what is the mistake and no clue. I am exhausted with my search.
Not able to use Postman or Insomnia to try this API as it is my organization's work and the API is secured by AWS IAM. I am yet to be given credentials to test this in the Postman or Insomnia. I can test it only through code.
private String testCreateUserInputQuery=" {\n" +
" \"query\":\"mutation { createUser(username: \\\"testUser12\\\",email:\\\"[email protected]\\\",tempPassword:\\\"tempPassword123!\\\") { Exception Success }}\"\n" +
" }";
For query using variables, the following one works for me
private String testCreateUserInputQuery= "{\n" + " \"query\":\"mutation User($uname: String!,$mail:String!,$tempPwd:String!) { createUser(username: $uname,email:$mail,tempPassword:$tempPwd) { Exception Success }}\", \"variables\":{\"uname\":\"testUser20SK\",\"mail\":\"[email protected]\",\"tempPwd\":\"LPassword123!\"} \n" + " }";