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Infinite number of nested dynamic routes Next.js

I am facing a problem in Next.js where I need to navigate to a URL with any number of dynamic nested routes and get value of every one of them. For example, I should be able to navigate to and get the values of all the routes, for example an array such as:

[ "color", "black", "fit", "slim", "size", "medium" ]

Can this be done in Next.js in getServerSideProps?

Thank you


  • Yes! You can have any number of dynamic routes. Here's the documentation on it.

    If you use this page name format ([...slug]), you can get the param slug in getServerSideProps and it will be an array of strings of each part of the url.

    // eg for url
    // and page template located at pages/[...slug].js
    export async function getServerSideProps({params}) {
      const slugs = params.slug
      // slugs is an array of strings
      // slugs = [ "color", "black", "fit", "slim", "size", "medium" ]
      return {
        props: {}, // will be passed to the page component as props