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2 PUT api request in same file in NEXT js

I need advice how to solve when I need for one route 2x PUT request. I need to add and remove two kinds of inputs, but I can remove one or the other. I can't figure out a way to set route.js to be able to add and remove both kinds of inputs.

export async function PUT(request) {
const id = request.nextUrl.searchParams.get("id");
const result = await CargoDetails.findOneAndUpdate(
   $and: [{ _id: id }],
   $push: { defaultValues: { count: "", long: "", width: "", 
 weight: "", high: "" },
 },{ new: true }
return NextResponse.json({ result }, { status: 200 });
 export async function PUT(request) {
 const id = request.nextUrl.searchParams.get("id");
 const result = await CargoDetails.findOneAndUpdate(
     $and: [{ _id: id }],
     $push: {
       exwork: { cost: "" },
   { new: true }

 return NextResponse.json({ result }, { status: 200 });

Below you can see my Model for better idea:

const cargoDetailsSchema = new Schema(
    defaultValues: { type: [formFields], default: undefined },
    exwork: { type: [exValue], default: undefined },
    client: String,
    sdl: String,
    price: Number,
    transport: String,
    menaFrom: String,
    menaTo: String,

  { timestamps: true }

const CargoDetails =
  models?.CargoDetails || 

export default CargoDetails;

defaultValues and exwork have their own plus and minus button for add and remove function. I know that that maybe is it not possible to do it this way. I'd be grateful for any advice. .


  • add an action type to request query. something like this

    export async function PUT(request) {
     const id = request.nextUrl.searchParams.get("id");
     const action = request.nextUrl.searchParams.get("action");
     let result;
     if (action === "actionA") {
      result = await CargoDetails.findOneAndUpdate(
        $and: [{ _id: id }],
        $push: {
         defaultValues: { count: "", long: "", width: "", weight: "", high: "" },
       { new: true },
     } else if (action === "actionB") {
      result = await CargoDetails.findOneAndUpdate(
        $and: [{ _id: id }],
        $push: {
         exwork: { cost: "" },
       { new: true },
     } else return NextResponse.json({ message:"Action not defined!" }, { status: 400 });
     return NextResponse.json({ result }, { status: 200 });