I'm trying to use regs_read
and regs_write
, but it doesn't work:
$ cat cs.py
import capstone
Cs = capstone.Cs(capstone.CS_ARCH_X86, capstone.CS_MODE_64)
Cs.detail = True
CODE = b"\x48\x89\x44\x24\x10"
for i in Cs.disasm(CODE,0):
This is what I get
$ python3.7 cs.py
<CsInsn 0x0 [4889442410]: mov qword ptr [rsp + 0x10], rax>
[] <----- why? rax is read
I think you can go for something like this:
def has_write_to_dereference_of_register(
instruction: capstone.CsInsn,
register: int
) -> bool:
for operand in instruction.operands:
if operand.access & capstone.CS_AC_WRITE:
if operand.type == capstone.CS_OP_REG:
if operands.value.reg == register:
return True
elif operand.type == capstone.CS_OP_MEM:
mem = operand.value.mem
if mem.base == register or mem.index == register:
return True
return False