I've got an NSDecimalNumber
from StoreKit's SKProduct
class, and I want to convert it to C#'s decimal
type to minimize loss of precision. Is there a straightforward way to do such a thing?
I figure my two choices are:
give me a string and then have decimal
parse it.I figure option 1 is way too much work and probably even brittle, so I'm inclined to go with option 2. But that doesn't seem like the best I can do, either. (I can live with how slow it'll be, because it happens exceptionally rarely.
Since Xamarin iOS SDK 12, operators are available for explicitly converting an NSDecimal to a decimal and implicitly converting a decimal to an NSDecimal.
Using these operators, you can take the following code as an example for achieving your goal:
var nsDecimalNumber = new NSDecimalNumber("128.478", new NSLocale("en-US"));
var nsDecimal = nsDecimalNumber.NSDecimalValue;
var csharpDecimal = (decimal)nsDecimal;
var nsDecimalAfterConversion = (NSDecimal)csharpDecimal;
var nsDecimalNumberAfterConversion = new NSDecimalNumber(nsDecimalAfterConversion);