Spec : JARS used Jackson for Json parsing /extraction in Java (JDK-15)
Statement : String val1 = "[ {"UnitId":"106","CategoryId":"403","ProductId":"103 ","ProductName":"California Apples","ProductWeight":"250"} ]";
Question : I need to extract values of "ProductName" from the Json Verified String.
Problem : I need to use Jakson jar libraries Only to parse & extract. I have tried sample code using jackson libraries on stackoverflow...did not work.
If some body has sample code to try, please share.
with regard Karthik
As an option, if you don't want create object for that. You can do like this:
private static JsonMapper JSON_MAPPER = new JsonMapper();
public static String parseProductId(String rawJson) {
try {
JsonNode root = JSON_MAPPER.readTree(rawJson);
return root.get(0).get("ProductId").asText();
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Some information");
In my opinion, this method gives flexibility if we need 1-2 fields.