I'm trying to load a property from my local.properties
file in my build.gradle.kts
like this:
val properties = Properties().load(project.rootProject.file("local.properties").inputStream())
val key: String = properties.getProperty("key")
But I get the following error:
e: /build.gradle.kts:37:30: Unresolved reference: getProperty
Why is that happening? It can find the class Properties from java.util.Properties
, but not the function getProperty
. That doesn't make any sense to me. How can I resolve this?
This is the whole build file:
Full build.gradle.kts file:
import java.util.Properties
plugins {
kotlin("js") version "1.5.20"
group = "de.example"
version = "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"
repositories {
dependencies {
implementation(npm("obsidian", "0.12.5", false))
kotlin {
js(IR) {
browser {
webpackTask {
output.libraryTarget = "commonjs"
output.library = null
outputFileName = "main.js"
commonWebpackConfig {
cssSupport.enabled = true
val properties = Properties().load(project.rootProject.file("local.properties").inputStream())
val key: String = properties.getProperty("key")
method of Properties
class returns void
, so your val properties
is kotlin.Unit
To get desired result, you need to initialize properties
in the following way:
val properties = Properties().apply { load(project.rootProject.file("local.properties").inputStream()) }
Anyway, that's not a recommended way to pass configuration properties into Gradle build script (see https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/build_environment.html)