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Laravel $request->validated() for data that has object datatype inside the request body

I have used $request->validated() to validate request body that only consists of normal key-value pair, but what if the request body has an object inside it?


// this works just fine
    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": "value2"

the return of $request->validated() will be only for key1 and key2, but when it comes to body like this:

    "key1": "value1",
    "object1": {
        "key2.1": "value2.2"
        "key2.2": "value2.2"

and when I tried to create object1 record using:


it throwed an error because the $request->validated() only validate any normal key-value data and did not dive into the object's property. Any idea to this? Thanks in advance.


  • Turns out you can use request->validated()["object"] to get validated object inside request body, so you don't need to validate every key inside that object anymore.