I am trying to store JSON data in a variable, later randomly access it. (Random Superhero Name)
JSON data is GitHub gist below
I am trying to use the ajax method(first time), and I think it is not working. I am getting undefined in the console.
Here is my code:
var namesData;
function getNames() {
return $.ajax({
headers: {
Accept: 'application/json'
url: 'https://gist.githubusercontent.com/abroroo/004fa0a28b94bc7100b4f1bf53acb69d/raw/09fd4ca4ed1ddb21010a48502cf0846a844b658c/authors.json',
success: function (jsonNames) {
namesData = JSON.parse(jsonNames);
Here is the function to get random names
function getRandomName() {
return namesData.names[
Math.floor(Math.random() * namesData.names.length)
Any help is appreciated!
I checked you gist json file,it has syntax error. the origin json is
"names": [
"publisher":"DC Comics",
"alter_ego":"Bruce Wayne",
"first_appearance":"Detective Comics #27",
"characters":"Bruce Wayne"
there should not have key under array
.so change root array to dict like this
"names": [
"publisher":"DC Comics",
"alter_ego":"Bruce Wayne",
"first_appearance":"Detective Comics #27",
"characters":"Bruce Wayne"