v-for="(user) in getUsers"
:style="{backgroundColor: getColors}">
The div with {{user.name}} when clicked I want it to show the rest of the details in the Api like user.email, user.occupation, in a new window, Api data is coming from store.
am still new to vuex.
Add click
event listener to div
with .native
modifier if you are using Vue 2 or without if you are using Vue 3 (docs). In event handler function open your app in a new window with the proper route path.
v-for="(user) in getUsers"
:style="{backgroundColor: getColors}"
methods: {
clickHandler () {
const url = new URL(window.location.href);
// there you can edit your current location or leave it as it is
window.open(url.href, '_blank');
Also you can append to your route an id
of an instance you want to display info about (e.g. 'mySuperApp.com/users/232344'). Then you obtain it by calling in your component $route.params.id
and then retrieve info from your Vuex store
by that user id.