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Sublime Text 4 - How To Setup LSP-eslint

When using Sublime text 3 I had SublimeLinter with SublimeLinter-eslint packages, along with eslint & babel-eslint global node modules for JS & JSX syntax.

With the switch to Sublime 4 I decided to give LSP a try. I Installed it, also LSP-css (which ran fine out of the box) & LSP-eslint, which couldn't get to work.

If I check Sublime's status bar I see the language server apparently running (?) enter image description here

This is within a project with it's own eslintrc.js config file, which works out of the box in VScode. Part of it below:

const RulesAirBnb = require("eslint-config-airbnb-base/rules/best-practices");
const RulesCRA = require("eslint-config-react-app");

module.exports = {
    root: true,

    parser: "babel-eslint",
    parserOptions: {
        ecmaVersion: 2018,
        sourceType: "module",
        ecmaFeatures: {
            jsx: true,
            generators: true,

    extends: [
        "airbnb", // Baseguide is AirBnB"s
  • How to make it work?
  • Do I still need global node modules of eslint & babel-eslint? (considering I have both locally under dev dependencies in the package.json of the project - sounds to me I shouldn't)

Checked the following SO question but no luck.


  • Installing LSP-typescript did the trick, works out of the box, lsp-eslint not even needed. Unreal.

    Found the info here after days of research (thanks chrsap!).

    If you are running ST3, check LSP-typescript's readme for needed packages.