I need test ethereum for my pet project.
I go to https://faucet.rinkeby.io/ , put a link with my tweet with my Ethereum address in MetaMask, choose 3 Ethers / 8 hours
The request was accepted, but 17 hours past and I haven't my test ethers.
Did I something wrong or I must wait a little longer?
And explanation me please, what exactly means 3 Ethers / 8 hours?
It's not working; it's down for a while (not sure when it's gonna come back up).
"3 Ethers / 8 hours" means that you can only request 3 Ethers each 8 hours.
You can get .001 ether here though: http://rinkeby-faucet.com/
It's not much but still better than nothing. I think the cooldown is only 1 or 2 hours.
If you want more than .001 faster they only block requests by IP, so ask a friend or something to open the link with your address and you'll get .001 more.