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How should I traverse through a folder of .gifs to display them in a list using Gatsby.js

I am trying to figure out how to best display a list of gifs, for starters, located locally in a directory on my machine using Gatsby.js. I did a long Gatsby tutorial that went through using gatbsy-remark and gatsby-image-remark, etc and found that those plugins did not like .gifs... Specifically, anything that required the gatsby plugin 'gatsby-plugin-sharp' and 'gatsby-transformer-sharp' did not work when trying to display gifs. GrahpQL even warns you that targeting childImageSharp on an object that is a .gif will return null and it does...

So I have this gatsby code I'm using in a navigation component...

import React from "react"
import Logo from "../images/glitch-logo.gif"
import Menu from "./menu"

import * as headerStyles from './header.module.scss'

class Navigation extends React.Component {

  render() {
    return (
        <img className={headerStyles.logo} src={Logo} alt="NFT Category Filter" onClick={() => this.toggleMenu()} onKeyDown={this.handleClick}></img>
        <Menu ref={el => (this.childMenu = el)} />

  toggleMenu() {

export default Navigation

can't I just do something similar in my index file if, for example, I wanted to display an array of .gifs? Something like this?

import * as ImageList from '../images/categories' //folder with .gifs!!!
import Layout from '../components/layout'
import * as layoutStyles from '../components/layout.module.scss'

const IndexPage = () => {
  const ImageList = (props) => {
    const nfts = props.nfts;
    const listImages = => {

or is there a plugin for gatsby worth downloading that makes using .gifs easier?


  • Your approach, assuming all the notation-related stuff (paths, naming, etc) is correct. However, your IndexPage should look like:

    const IndexPage = (props) => {
        const nfts = props.nfts;
       return <ul>
       { => {
          return <li>{nft}</li>
    • .map loops need to return an array, you were missing the statement.
    • The props are inherited from the top-level components, not from their inner functions. So props, should be got by IndexPage and used in the JSX loop in the return statement of the component.