When i try to execute the following parametrized query:
INSERT INTO days (day,short,name,depcode,studycode,batchnum) values (?,?,?,?,?,?);SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY();
through command.ExecuteScalar();
throws the following exception:
ERROR [07001] [Informix .NET provider]Wrong number of parameters.
Where is the problem?
public static int InsertDays(List<Day> days)
int affectedRow = -1;
Dictionary<string, string> daysParameter = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (Day a in days)
daysParameter.Add("day", a.DayId.ToString());
daysParameter.Add("short", a.ShortName);
daysParameter.Add("name", a.Name);
daysParameter.Add("depcode", a.DepCode.ToString());
daysParameter.Add("studycode", a.StudyCode.ToString());
daysParameter.Add("batchnum", a.BatchNum.ToString());
affectedRow = DBUtilities.InsertEntity_Return_ID("days", daysParameter);
if (affectedRow < 0)
catch (Exception ee)
string message = ee.Message;
return affectedRow;
public static int InsertEntity_Return_ID(string tblName, Dictionary<string, string> dtParams)
int Result = -1;
DBConnectionForInformix DAL_Helper = new DBConnectionForInformix("");
string[] field_names = new string[dtParams.Count];
dtParams.Keys.CopyTo(field_names, 0);
string[] field_values = new string[dtParams.Count];
string[] field_valuesParam = new string[dtParams.Count];
dtParams.Values.CopyTo(field_values, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < field_names.Length; i++)
field_valuesParam[i] = "?";
string insertCmd = @"INSERT INTO " + tblName + " (" + string.Join(",", field_names) + ") values (" + string.Join(",", field_valuesParam) + ");SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY();";
Result = int.Parse(DAL_Helper.Return_Scalar(insertCmd));
return Result;
You haven't shown where you're actually populating the parameter values. Given that you've got the right number of question marks, I suspect that's where the problem lies.
EDIT: Okay, now you've posted more code, it's obvious what's going wrong: your Return_Scalar
method isn't accepting any actual values! You're not using field_values
anywhere after populating it. You need to set the parameters in the command.
(You should also look at .NET naming conventions, by the way...)