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Static final variable initialization (in Java) incorrect during Kotlin CI Tests

I manage an open source project and have a user reporting a situation which I think is impossible according to Java's order of initialization of static variables in classes. The value of a static final class variable is incorrect, apparently resulting from different results of a dependency's static method based on its own static final variable.

I'd like to understand what's happening in order to figure the best workaround. At the moment, I am baffled.

The problem

The main entry point for my project is the class SystemInfo which has the following constructor:

public SystemInfo() {
    if (getCurrentPlatform().equals(PlatformEnum.UNKNOWN)) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(NOT_SUPPORTED + Platform.getOSType());

When run by itself, the problem doesn't reproduce; but when run as part of many tests being executed a larger build (mvn install) it is consistently reproducible, implying the problem is likely associated with multithreading or multiple forks. (To clarify: I mean the simultaneous initialization of static members in two different classes, and the various JVM-internal locking/synchronization mechanisms associated with this process.)

They receive the following result:

java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Operating system not supported: JNA Platform type 2

This exception implies two things are true when SystemInfo instantiation begins:

  • The result of getCurrentPlatform() is the enum value PlatformEnum.UNKNOWN
  • The result of Platform.getOSType() is 2

However, this situation should be impossible; a value of 2 would return WINDOWS, and unknown would return a value other than 2. Since both variables are both static and final they should never simultaneously reach this state.

(User's) MCRE

I have tried to reproduce this on my own and failed, and am relying on a report from a user executing tests in their Kotlin-based (kotest) framework.

The user's MCRE simply invokes this constructor as part of a larger number of tests, running on the Windows operating system:

public class StorageOnSystemJava {
    public StorageOnSystemJava(SystemInfo info) {

class StorageOnSystemJavaTest {
    void run() {
        new StorageOnSystemJava(new SystemInfo());

Underlying code

The getCurrentPlatform() method simply returns the value of this static final variable.

public static PlatformEnum getCurrentPlatform() {
    return currentPlatform;

This is a static final variable populated as the very first line in the class (so it should be the first thing initialized):

private static final PlatformEnum currentPlatform = queryCurrentPlatform();


private static PlatformEnum queryCurrentPlatform() {
    if (Platform.isWindows()) {
        return WINDOWS;
    } else if (Platform.isLinux()) {
        // other*() checks here
    } else {
        return UNKNOWN; // The exception message shows the code reaches this point

This means that during class initialization, all of the*() checks returned false.

However, as indicated above this should not have happened. These are calls to JNA's Platform class static methods. The first check, which should have returned true (and does, if called in the constructor or anywhere in code after instantiation) is:

public static final boolean isWindows() {
    return osType == WINDOWS || osType == WINDOWSCE;

Where osType is a static final variable defined thus:

public static final int WINDOWS = 2;

private static final int osType;

static {
    String osName = System.getProperty("");
    if (osName.startsWith("Linux")) {
        // other code
    else if (osName.startsWith("Windows")) {
        osType = WINDOWS; // This is the value being assigned, showing the "2" in the exception
    // other code

From my understanding of the order of initialization, Platform.isWindows() should always return true (on a Windows OS). I do not understand how it could possibly return false when called from my own code's static variable initialization. I've tried both the static method, and a static initialization block immediately following the variable declaration.

Expected order of initialization

  1. User calls the SystemInfo constructor
  2. SystemInfo class initialization begins ("T is a class and an instance of T is created.")
  3. The static final currentPlatform variable is encountered by the initializer (first line of class)
  4. The initializer calls the static method queryCurrentPlatform() to obtain a result (same result if the value is assigned in a static block immediately following the static variable declaration)
  5. The Platform.isWindows() static method is called
  6. The Platform class is initialized ("T is a class and a static method of T is invoked.")
  7. The Platform class sets the osType value to 2 as part of initialization
  8. When Platform initialization is complete, the static method isWindows() returns true
  9. The queryCurrentPlatform() sees the true result and sets the currentPlatform variable value (This is not happening as expected!)
  10. After SystemInfo class initialization is complete, its constructor executes, showing the conflicting values and throwing the exception.


Some workarounds stop the problem, but I don't understand why they do:

  • Performing the Platform.isWindows() check anytime during the instantiation process (including the constructor) properly returns true and assigns the enum appropriately.

    • This includes lazy instantiation of the currentPlatform variable (removing the final keyword), or ignoring the enum and directly calling JNA's Platform class.
  • Moving the first call to the static method getCurrentPlatform() out of the constructor.

These workarounds imply a possible root cause is associated with executing static methods of multiple classes during class initialization. Specifically:

  • During initialization, the Platform.isWindows() check apparently returns false because code reaches the else block
  • After initialization (during instantiation), the Platform.isWindows() check returns true. (Since it is based on a static final value it should not ever return different results.)


I've thoroughly reviewed multiple tutorials about Java clearly showing the initialization order, as well as these other SO questions and the linked Java Language Specs:


  • It's not multithreading, because the JVM prevents other threads from accessing a class while it is being initialized. This behavior is mandated by the Java Language Specification, section 12.4.2, step 2:

    If the Class object for C indicates that initialization is in progress for C by some other thread, then release LC and block the current thread until informed that the in-progress initialization has completed, at which time repeat this step.

    It is exceedingly unlikely for a JVM to have a bug in this area, since it would cause repeated initializer execution, which would be very noticeable.

    However, a static final field can appear to have a changing value if:

    • there is a cyclic dependency among initializers

      Same section, step 3 writes:

      If the Class object for C indicates that initialization is in progress for C by the current thread, then this must be a recursive request for initialization. Release LC and complete normally.

      Therefore, a recursive initialization may allow a thread to read a static final field before it is assigned. This can only happen if class initializers create a cyclic dependency among initializers.

    • somebody (ab)uses reflection to reassign the static final field

    • the class is loaded by more than one class loader

      In this case, each class has its own copy of the static field, and may initialize it differently.

    • if the field is a compile time constant expression, and the code was compiled at different times

      The spec mandates that compile time constant expressions are inlined by the compiler. If different classes are compiled at different times, the value being inlined may have been different. (In your case, the expression is not compile time constant; I only mention this possiblity for the sake of future visitors).

    From the evidence you have given, it is impossible to say which of these apply. That's why I recommend further investigation.