How to limit number of threads used in
Concurrency::parallel_for<int>(0, 100, 1, [&](int k)
I saw the scheduler/task idea, I fail to use it cause inside the parallel for there is a lot of logic and I need to pass arguments, all the examples for tasks is containing only std::cout<<"Hey"<<std::endl; inside the task.
Hope you have some ideas.
bool func1(int x,int y....) //A lot of params{
Concurrency::parallel_for<int>(0, 100, 1, [&](int k) {
//a lot of logic depends on the input
I haven't used the interface - but the following might work (assuming 8 workers and parallel for 100 cases - otherwise adjust the 100/8).
Concurrency::simple_partitioner splitter(100/8);
Concurrency::parallel_for<int>(0, 100, 1, [&](int k) {
//a lot of logic depends on the input
}, splitter);
This does not limit the number of threads directly, but chunk the data achieving the same.
The idea could also be found on: