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netty packet infinite loop occur

project setting netty 4.1.65final + kotlin 1.5 + spring boot 2.5

The server deployment environment is using kubernets and docker baseimage is using alpine-adopt-openjdk-11.0.11.

In the process of restarting the Netty server, tcp packets enter infinitely.

It is occurring through the same netty channel, and when I checked the port in remoteAddress on the channel and connected to the place where the server was floating and searched "netstat-an", I could not find the port number.

I tried to close the channel when the same packet comes in, but the channel doesn't close.

I think there's an infinite loop on a particular channel in netty, so why is that?

below my server log

{"log_level":"INFO","time":"2021-07-14T03:22:31.376Z","log_type":"TCP_LOG","msg":"@@ duplicate packet. channel close"}
{"log_level":"INFO","time":"2021-07-14T03:22:31.388Z","log_type":"TCP_LOG","msg":"@@ duplicate packet. channel close"}


Replacing Decoder with LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder did not cause any problems.

When ReplayingDecoder completes receiving the packet, it should empty the buf, but I suspect it was caused by not emptying it.

Below is the Replaying Decoder I wrote.

enum class PacketDecoderState {

class PacketReceiverHandler : ReplayingDecoder<PacketDecoderState>(PacketDecoderState.READ_HEADER) {
    private var length: Int = 0
    override fun decode(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, buf: ByteBuf, out: MutableList<Any>) {
        when (state()) {
            PacketDecoderState.READ_HEADER -> {
                println("READ HEAD :: $length | ${} | ${} | $this | ${Thread.currentThread().name}")
                val headerPacket = buf.readBytes(HeaderSize.TOTAL_HEAD_SIZE)

                val startCode = ByteBufUtil.getBytes(headerPacket.readBytes(HeaderSize.START_CODE.length))
                startCode.takeIf { !it.contentEquals(START_CODE) }?.let {
                    val array = ByteArray(buf.readableBytes())
                    buf.getBytes(buf.readerIndex(), array)
                    throw TcpPacketValidationCheckException(TcpError(errorCode = ErrorCode.P005, byteArray = array))
                length = headerPacket.readBytes(HeaderSize.PACKET_LENGTH.length).getUnsignedShort(0)


            PacketDecoderState.READ_WHOLE -> {
                println("READ_WHOLE :: $length | ${} | ${} | $this | ${Thread.currentThread().name} ")

                val bodyPacket = buf.readBytes(length)
            else -> throw ProtocolsException(AppError(ErrorCode.P000))



  • When duplicate packets come in, an infinite loop occurs while reading header information and resetting the read index.

    For normal packets


    The first 10 bytes are the header information.

    But when the server restarts and packets pile up in the buffer and come in at once. aaaa00244505f4000000754e672f4a78435562716b6d71755a636f3253496a673d3d51eaaaaa00244505f4000000754e672f4a78435562716b6d71755a636f3253496a673d3d51ea

    Two packets are piled up in ByteBuf one after that.

    Operating inside the ReplayingDecoder

    protected void callDecode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf in, List<Object> out) {
    try {
    while (in.isReadable()) {
    int oldReaderIndex = checkpoint = in.readerIndex();

    while (in.isReadable()) because there's still data left in ByteBuf, so it keeps running.

    Read the header information in the code I wrote and buf.ResetReaderIndex() initializes ByteBuf's read index to zero, which causes infinite loops.