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SolidJS: How to trigger refetch of createResource?

I have a createResource which is working:

const fetchJokes = async (programmingOnly) => {
  return (await fetch(`${programmingOnly?'programming/':''}ten`)).json();
const [jokes, { mutate, refetch }] = createResource(programmingOnly(), fetchJokes);

Now I want to change the programmingOnly boolean via it's signal:

const [programmingOnly, setProgrammingOnly] = createSignal(true);
Programming Only: <input type="checkbox" checked={programmingOnly()}
        onInput={()=>{setProgrammingOnly(!programmingOnly());refetch();}}> </input>

But this does not work, the alert fires upon subsequent attempts, but with undefined as arg, and nothing happens with the data.

What is the SolidJS way of approaching this?


  • I believe the problem here is the signal is getting set with false every time. Since programmingOnly is a signal it should be accessed as a function to retrieve its value.


    // should be

    You should not need to call refetch or do anything else for the example to work.