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is it possible to allocate an unname memory and then associate pointers in fortran?

My question is motivated by the custom fortran datatypes. an example is given as follows:

type mytype
    integer, pointer :: a(:)
    real, pointer :: b(:)
end type 

type(mytype), pointer :: data(:)
! this MPI routine reserves a memory region
call mpi_win_allocate_shared(size,disp_unit,...,baseptr,win,ierr)

! is the following achievable? 
do i = 1,n1
    call c_to_f_pointer(baseptr + offset_i, data)
    call c_to_f_pointer(baseptr + offset_ij, data(i)%a)
    call c_to_f_pointer(baseptr + offset_ik, data(i)%b)


  • OK, you want to chop up one area of (shared) memory and have different pointers point to different bits of it, and have different processes be able to read it. Never done this before, here's my first best guess. It assumes that all data you want to use occupies an integer multiple of the number of bytes used to represent an integer:

    ijb@ijb-Latitude-5410:~/work/stack$ mpif90 --version
    GNU Fortran (Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04) 9.3.0
    Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
    ijb@ijb-Latitude-5410:~/work/stack$ mpif90 --showme:version
    mpif90: Open MPI 4.0.3 (Language: Fortran)
    ijb@ijb-Latitude-5410:~/work/stack$ cat shared2.f90
    Program main 
      Use, Intrinsic :: iso_c_binding  , Only : c_ptr, c_loc, c_f_pointer, c_int, c_double
      Use, Intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, Only : numeric_storage_size
      Use mpi_f08, Only : mpi_address_kind, mpi_comm_world, mpi_info, mpi_win, &
           mpi_info_null, mpi_proc_null, mpi_init, mpi_comm_size, mpi_comm_rank, &
           mpi_win_allocate_shared, mpi_win_shared_query, mpi_win_fence, &
           mpi_win_free, mpi_free_mem, mpi_finalize
      Implicit None ( Type, External )
      Integer, Parameter :: n_int   = 2 ! number of ints in the structure
      Integer, Parameter :: n_real  = 3 ! number of reals in the structures
      Integer, Parameter :: n_stuff = 4 ! number of elements in the array of structures
      Type :: my_struct
         Integer( c_int    ), Dimension( : ), Pointer :: value1
         Real   ( c_double ), Dimension( : ), Pointer :: value2
      End type my_struct
      Type( my_struct ), Dimension( : ), Allocatable :: stuff
      Type( mpi_info  ) :: info 
      Type( mpi_win   ) :: window
      Type( c_ptr     ) :: baseptr
      Integer( c_int ), Dimension( : ), Pointer :: shared_memory
      Integer( mpi_address_kind ) :: bytes
      Integer :: size_int, size_real
      Integer :: size_shared
      Integer :: disp_unit
      Integer :: w_rank, w_size, ierr
      Integer :: point
      Integer :: i
      Call mpi_init( ierr )
      Call mpi_comm_size( mpi_comm_world, w_size, ierr )
      Call mpi_comm_rank( mpi_comm_world, w_rank, ierr )
      Allocate( stuff( 1:n_stuff ) )
      size_int  = storage_size( stuff( 1 )%value1 ) / numeric_storage_size
      size_real = storage_size( stuff( 1 )%value2 ) / numeric_storage_size
      info = mpi_info_null
      disp_unit = 1
      If( w_rank == 0 ) Then
         bytes = n_stuff * ( size_int * n_int + size_real * n_real )
         bytes = 0
      End If
      Call mpi_win_allocate_shared( bytes, disp_unit, info, mpi_comm_world, baseptr, window, ierr )
      Call mpi_win_shared_query( window, mpi_proc_null, bytes, disp_unit, baseptr, ierr )
      size_shared = Int( bytes / size_int, Kind = Kind( size_shared ) )
      Call c_f_pointer( baseptr, shared_memory, [ size_shared ] )
      point = 1
      Do i = 1, n_stuff
         Call c_f_pointer( C_loc( shared_memory( point ) ), stuff( i )%value1, [ n_int ] )
         point = point + n_int
         Call c_f_pointer( C_loc( shared_memory( point ) ), stuff( i )%value2, [ n_real ] )
         point = point + n_real * ( size_real / size_int )
      End Do
      If( w_rank == 0 ) Then
         Do i = 1, Size( stuff )
            stuff( i )%value1 = 1 * i
            stuff( i )%value2 = 2.0_c_double * i
         End Do
      End If
      Call mpi_win_fence( 0, window, ierr )
      If( w_rank == 2 ) Then
         Do i = 1, Size( stuff )
            Write( *, * ) stuff( i )%value1, stuff( i )%value2
         End Do
      End If
      Call mpi_win_free( window, ierr )
      Call mpi_finalize( ierr )
    End Program main
    ijb@ijb-Latitude-5410:~/work/stack$ mpif90 -Wall -Wextra -fcheck=all -O -g -std=f2018 shared2.f90
    ijb@ijb-Latitude-5410:~/work/stack$ mpirun -np 3 ./a.out 
               1           1   2.0000000000000000        2.0000000000000000        2.0000000000000000     
               2           2   4.0000000000000000        4.0000000000000000        4.0000000000000000     
               3           3   6.0000000000000000        6.0000000000000000        6.0000000000000000     
               4           4   8.0000000000000000        8.0000000000000000        8.0000000000000000     
    ijb@ijb-Latitude-5410:~/work/stack$ mpirun -np 3 ./a.out 
               1           1   2.0000000000000000        2.0000000000000000        2.0000000000000000     
               2           2   4.0000000000000000        4.0000000000000000        4.0000000000000000     
               3           3   6.0000000000000000        6.0000000000000000        6.0000000000000000     
               4           4   8.0000000000000000        8.0000000000000000        8.0000000000000000