I'm migrating a Grails 2.4.4. application; and some of my Service methods, which perform domain object validation, are failing their test because the validation is cascading to associations. For example,
class AdditionalPhotoServiceSpec extends HibernateSpec implements ServiceUnitTest<AdditionalPhotoService>, DataTest {
Person person
AdditionalPhotoType additionalPhotoType
S3Service mockS3Service
def setup() {
[Person, AdditionalPhotoType, AdditionalPhoto, Organization].each { mockDomain(it) }
person = new Person().save(validate: false)
additionalPhotoType = new AdditionalPhotoType().save(validate: false)
mockS3Service = Mock()
service.s3Service = mockS3Service
def cleanup() {
def "create additional photo"() {
assert person.organization.id
AdditionalPhoto additionalPhoto = service.create(new AdditionalPhoto(person: person, additionalPhotoType: additionalPhotoType, bytes: [1, 2, 3]))
1 * mockS3Service.storePhoto(testAdditionalPhoto())
This is trying to create an AdditionalPhoto
with two associated objects that have been saved with validate: false
class AdditionalPhotoService {
S3Service s3Service
boolean enableDeleteAllForDownloadedPhotos = false
AdditionalPhoto create(AdditionalPhoto additionalPhoto) {
if (additionalPhoto.hasErrors())
throw new InvalidResourceException(additionalPhoto.errors)
additionalPhoto.externalURL = s3Service.storePhoto(additionalPhoto)
return additionalPhoto
The test fails because additionalPhoto.validate()
in the service method is validating the associated objects, Person
and AdditionalPhotoType
, rather than just the AdditionalPhoto
. For production, I like that behavior, but I don't want deep validation for testing because it would require me to create all the domain objects associated with both Person
and AdditionalPhotoType
and their associations, and their associations, etc. It seems like it would create verbose, fragile test code.
How can I disable deep validation for a domain object just for testing without changing the production code?
Turns out those both those questions had almost what I needed.
I created the following application.groovy
environments {
test {
grails.gorm.default.mapping = {
'*' cascade:'none'