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Google Cloud Java SDK with Workload Identity?

Trying to figure out how to authenticate with the storage API from within a GKE cluster.


Storage storage = StorageOptions.newBuilder()

getApplicationDefault() is documented to use these means to authenticate with the API:

  1. Credentials file pointed to by the {@code GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS} environment variable
  2. Credentials provided by the Google Cloud SDK {@code gcloud auth application-default login} command
  3. Google App Engine built-in credentials
  4. Google Cloud Shell built-in credentials
  5. Google Compute Engine built-in credentials

The application is using the GCP workload identity feature, so the application (in-cluster) service account is annotated with:

Now the call to the storage account fails with the following error:

  "code" : 403,
  "errors" : [ {
    "domain" : "global",
    "message" : "Primary: /namespaces/ with additional claims does not have storage.objects.create access to the Google Cloud Storage object.",
    "reason" : "forbidden"
  } ],
  "message" : "Primary: /namespaces/ with additional claims does not have storage.objects.create access to the Google Cloud Storage object."

This makes me think that the workload identity is not working correctly. I am expecting to receive an error message for my annotated service account and not the default one.

Is there anything else I should have been doing?


  • The answer, in part, aside from the annotation syntax, is that, just like me, you probably didn't look closely enough at this part in the documentation:

        gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
      --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
      --member "[K8S_NAMESPACE/KSA_NAME]" \

    Notice the[K8S_NAMESPACE/KSA_NAME] piece. It's something they give no examples on as far as syntax but it looks like this in my terraform.

    resource "google_project_iam_member" "app-binding-2" {
      role   = "roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser"
      member = "serviceAccount:${local.ws_vars["project-id"]}[mynamespace/myk8ssaname]"

    Weirdly you can bind this in the terraform even if the namespace doesn't exist, much less the service account. So you can run this first before deployments.