Its best to show my problem and explain it after (I am using KeyStore Explorer to peek into my .pfx files):
Basically, I want the result on the right, but I get the result on the left.
To be more precise: The KeyStore should contain the private key and certs chain (KeyPair), in one entry.
I somehow couldn't get it working in java. This is what I tried to get the result on the left: The problem with the code below is, that its not verifing the certs and adding them as trusted certs.
* Creates and returns a new {@link KeyStore} from the provided information.
* @param keystoreType The {@link KeyStore}s type. Recommended: "pkcs12".
* Check {@link KeyStore#getInstance(String)} for details.
* @param passwordAsCharArray Password to encrypt this {@link KeyStore} and its keys.
* @param certificateChain The certificate chain is simply an array of {@link X509Certificate}s.
* @param privateKey The {@link PrivateKey}.
* @param publicKey The {@link PublicKey}.
* @throws KeyStoreException
public KeyStore buildAndGetKeystore(String keystoreType, char[] passwordAsCharArray,
X509Certificate[] certificateChain, PrivateKey privateKey, PublicKey publicKey)
throws KeyStoreException, CertificateException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, EmptyStringException, EmptyCharArrayException, EmptyCertificateChainException {
// Check for null parameters
// Check for empty parameters
if (keystoreType.isEmpty()) throw new EmptyStringException("Parameter 'keystoreType' should NOT be empty!");
if (passwordAsCharArray.length==0) throw new EmptyCharArrayException("Parameter 'passwordAsCharArray' should NOT be empty!");
if (certificateChain.length==0) throw new EmptyCertificateChainException("Parameter 'certificateChain' should NOT be empty!");
// Initialise a new keystore
KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance(keystoreType);
keystore.load(null, passwordAsCharArray); // Pass null to tell java this is a new keystore
// Insert certificates
for (int i = 0; i < certificateChain.length; i++) {
keystore.setCertificateEntry(""+i, certificateChain[i]);
// Write private key (with password protection) to keystore.
// NOTE: I tried this before and it only writes
// the private key to the .pfx file and ignores the domain chain
//keystore.setKeyEntry("sso-signing-key", privateKey, passwordAsCharArray, certificateChain);
return keystore;
Some extra details:
The KeyStore on the right was created like this: First generated the certs at and then converted them to a PKCS12 KeyStore with
You guys won't believe this, but... The problem was the alias name 'priv-key'. Just removed the hyphen '-' and changed the alias name to 'myKey' like in and voila it works... So many hours lost for such a stupid thing...