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Need to revise this formula that displays data based on another cell's contents

I can't get this formula working properly. Here is what I need to do (see included image below):

I need the data in rows 9-10 (sales) to be displayed/copied in rows 28-29 (collections) based on the number in cells C9 and C10 (payment terms). For example, if there are $1,900 in GM sales on Tuesday, Jan 5 (cell F9) and payment terms are 10 days (cell C9), then I need $1,900 displayed on Tuesday, Jan 19 (cell P28), in the collections section (rows 28-29), 10 business days from when the sales were made. Does this make sense? Here is the formula I am using now (starting in cell E28 and being dragged to the right):

=IF(COLUMN() - E9 < 1, 0, INDIRECT(ADDRESS(9, COLUMN() - $C$9)))

However, it is not working completely. It is moving the data labels to the left of the data table that are not supposed to be included in the data table. Only sales data starting in cell E9 are supposed to be moved. You can see this issue in row 28 (columns J-N) in the image below.

This formula also has to work with payment terms from 1 day - 10 days. So, the $5,000 in Ford sales on Monday, Jan 4 (cell F10), with payment terms of 3 days (cell C10), needs to be displayed on Friday, Jan 8 (cell I29).

Let me know if you need any additional details to solve this issue. Thanks!

Current Formula is Not Working


  • Is this what you're looking for? =IFERROR(INDEX($E$9:$X$13,MATCH($B28,$B$9:$B$13,0),MATCH(WORKDAY(E$5,-INDEX($C$9:$C$13,MATCH($B28,$B$9:$B$13,0))),$E$5:$X$5,0)),0)

    The formula indexes the sales amounts and shows the amount in the row where the customer name mentioned at sales equals the customer at the result section with the column where the result date equals the date mentioned at sales minus the number of workdays mentioned behind the customer name at the sales section.