var word = new Array(); word[1] = 'new'; word[2] = 'old';
<script src="javascript/validator.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
And, in the validator.js we have:
function validate(number){
How to catch the variable value? I always get an error saying the variable doesn't exist.
You almost got it.
This is the way I managed my multi-language message:
First I defined the array at the top of the page; as close as possible to the HEAD tag
<script type="text/javascript">
var resx = {};
Then, I fill the array with the values, using whatever method you use to get it from the database. In this example I use ASP.NET MVC.
<script type="text/javascript">
resx["word1"] = '@Model.word1';
resx["word2"] = '@Model.word2';
//or you can fill it directly
resx["word3"] = 'Name';
resx["word4"] = 'Nombre';
<script src="javascript/validator.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Then you use the way you want in the js file:
function validate(value){
I hope this help.