How to convert string Date to Date?
I have a string "20210712" in the format yyyymmdd how to convert it into date...And how to get the day of It.
You can use String.substr to split the date string into its components. We'll use the + shorthand to convert each component into a number, then create a new Date object from it, using the Date constructor new Date(year, monthIndex, day)
NB: In JavaScript we pass the monthIndex to the Date rather than the month number, so July is represented as monthIndex = 6;
To get the day of the month from your date, you'll need Date.getDate().
To get the day of the week from your date, you'll need Date.getDay(), this will return 0 - 6 (Sunday (0) -> Saturday (6))
To get the day of the week as a string from your date, you can use Intl.DateTimeFormat, this will return 'Monday' -> 'Sunday'.
const timestamp = "20210712";
const year = +timestamp.substr(0,4);
const monthIndex = +timestamp.substr(4,2) - 1;
const day = +timestamp.substr(6,2);
console.log("Timestamp:", timestamp)
console.log("Date components:", JSON.stringify({ year, monthIndex, day }))
const date = new Date(year ,monthIndex, day);
console.log('Date:', date.toDateString());
console.log('Day of Month:', date.getDate());
// Sunday - Saturday : 0 - 6
console.log('Day of Week (0-6):', date.getDay());
console.log('Day of Week (string):', new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US', { weekday: 'long'}).format(date))